Sunday, February 27, 2022

Spring Canyon Preparedness Group


Welcome to our Spring Canyon Preparedness Group. We invite all residents & neighbors located within our area boundaries to participate with us.


Our goal is simply to assist each other in being ready as “neighbors helping neighbors” by becoming better prepared for any situation that arises putting our neighborhood in jeopardy, and by having a plan in place to help each other in case it does.


We invite all residents and neighbors to participate, regardless of your religious beliefs or political affiliations. We believe in and respect, everyone’s right to privacy, right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

At the top of this page you will find 3 main category links:

Emergency Preparedness

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Spiritual Preparedness

Each of these links will take you to websites with information to assist you in building a food & emergency storage, property disaster preparation, as well as tools and testimonies on how to be spiritual prepared for trials or disasters in our lives.

We have divided our neighborhood into “areas” and “blocks”, with “area leaders” and “block captains”, assigned to coordinate and communicate, to help each other, and assist those in need during an emergency. Under the Neighbors Helping Neighbors link above, you will find a page with links to a map outlining the different areas and blocks, with names and phone numbers of your specific “area leader” and “block captain”. Also on this page is a link titled Emergency Resource Information Sheet for our use, which includes emergency contact numbers, and any resources you may be willing to use to “help out”, in case the need arises. You are invited to “fill it out” and return it to your block captain, as you wish, and at your discretion. Be assured that your privacy is our utmost concern, and your information will not be used, only in case of an emergency to assist your block captain in assisting our group as you direct.

Welcome aboard…let’s make our neighborhood a better and safer place to live in and raise our families… as we join together “neighbors helping neighbors”! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us,


Spring Canyon Organizers:

Amy Williams: (801) 735-4017 ( Food, Water, & 72 hr. Kits

Michael Bell (801) 390-8298 ( Physical (Property) Preparedness

Mike Nielsen: (209) 321-3053 ( Emotional & Spiritual Preparedness

Spring Canyon Preparedness Group

  Welcome to our Spring Canyon Preparedness Group. We invite all residents & neighbors located within our area boundaries to participate...